Wednesday, August 15, 2007


A generation of amoral,decadent and anti-idealistic youth are about to be unleashed on Nigeria and we all would be alive to reap the fruits of decades of neglect of the intellectual and moral education of our youths.

Monday, August 6, 2007

the king died

The king died,the slave lives,the world continues.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

poverty's bad but wars are worse

40 years ago Nigeria slid into anarchy,violence and murder.A blood feast has never seen,a killing orgy has never witnessed.the aim of this short narrative is not to point fingers or to even ask about the causes of such evil minded callousness but to ask if what lessons,if any have been learnt and if does lessons are being put into valuable use.
As the nation slides into anarchy once again in the niger delta(known cutely as the deep south),hope we would all avoid the mistakes of the past.