Only mad men (and women) spend endless hours in the sun,waiting patiently(sometimes impatiently,infact,sometimes with knives and guns) to be given a chance to further ruin their collective future.
Once again,come Sat 2nd April,Nigerians and non -Nigerians alike(i fit swear say those aboki wey dey ride okada for Lagos no be Naija) head to the polls,eagerly waiting,licking their lips in anticipation for another four years of candle buying,receiving injections at chemists cos our hospitals are dead,crowding up viewing centres to watch premiership matches on a monday night when you should be bone tired from work;ANOTHER FOUR YEARS OF "NOTHING DEY HAPPEN,WE JUST DEY CHILL"!
When a dirt poor man goes into politics and in 4 years becomes a multi-multi-multiple millionaire and those who voted have lived the type of poverty that makes you envious of church rats.When politicians scream free health care an patients are only given paracetamol for every ailment from HIV to staph(when worm dey waka for your body.....lol)
We've seen the adverts,we've watched the campaigns.We've enjoyed the name calling and the mudslinging.We've laughed at the no-hoppers;Sarah Jubril,Dele Momodu;We've sympathised with those that have already lost;Nuhu Ribadu;We've cast glances at possibles;Buhari,Shekarau.We've congratulated the winner;Mr Goodlu........................
Or have we?
For those that have sold their voters card for Mtn recharge cards,I say,kudos to you,at least you have gained from this democrazy.......
For those who still retain faith in the Nigerian dream,I say,WAKE UP!Na naija you dey,never sleep with both eyes closed.
P.S:Vote for those who have truly pricked your imagination,those who have forged ideas that align with the Nigeria of your dreams.Being a southerner or northerner is never truly enough!