Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Abiola babes!

The current outcry by young people especially current students and recent graduates of the Moshood Abiola University;LWKMD,sounds like a teacher training college;against the renaming of their once great institution truly exemplifies the rot in the core values and decency of today's youth.
In as much as the new name does inspire fits of uncontrollable,panties wetting laughter especially when you recollect the so-called swag that was attached to the Unilag brand.The current protests by the students is taking the matter above and beyond the confines of decency.
M.K.O Abiola was a martyr and a man of no mean repute.
Brother done gone fucked them up!LWKMD!

Lesser men have been honoured in this country without Nepa providing uninterrupted electricity a.k.a hell freezing over!A man who sacrificed his all in defiance of military brutality and oppression deserves a bit more than such childish protests.
While trying to provide an in-depth analysis(like I give a damn!*eyes rolling*) to the reasons for the protest,I was left wondering if the protests were against the fact that GEJ did not gather all the students at the Moremi Hall car park to ask their consent,though I doubt if there'd be enough space for 10 students considering the number of Aristo cars already parked,or if they were because M.K.O was undeserving or if more importantly,the name Moshood is seen as 'local'.
Wouldn't blame them though!
Considering the fact that three-quarters of these pant sagging,blackberry clutching,indomie eaters think that the River Niger is obviously only in Niger State.Duh!!
You wouldn't expect them to recognise a national hero if one rose from the grave and bit them in the ass.
And for all the MAU-LAG bobos and babes who's parents named them Morufu and turned to Murphy on campus or the Chinyere's turned to Chinny,guessed Karma just located your snitching asses!
The name is here to stay though,so you can protest from Unilag bus-stop to Lekki Phase One,then face Ajah,if that's what floats your boat but get ready to being called GREATEST MAU-lites from today forth.
MAU-LAG's finest a.k.a Darey,Mo'cheddah and one girl like that!

As a Moshood Abiola Polythecnic already exists,I dare say you are in good company.
Moshood Abiola Polythecnic+Moshood Abiola University=Moshood Abiola Group of Schools(stolen from a friend).

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ogbono feli feli!

Money and women,the two things to devour bonds of  male friendship
                                                  -One particularly wise looking guy in a particularly dull movie I once saw.
Ever since Don Jazzy and his hyper-active sidekick D'banj a.k.a Skibanj a.k.a Capella a.k.a that skinny dude with the over-sized ego and under-sized head first came into our consciousness in 2005 with the ridiculously titled album 'No Long Thing' and the equally retardedly named single Tongolo,it was always a matter of when and not if,concerning the break up of the immensely successful duo.
2005!The hunger days.
They single handedly gave Nigeria and maybe Africa its first truly successful music clique.In Wande Coal and Dr Sid,they had able deputies,artistes with talent and panache.And in K-switch and D'prince,they had two knuckle heads,buffoons just along for the ride.But then,every successful crew needs no-hopers like that.Just ask the Black Eyed Peas!
When the rumors started filtering in early in the year about the impending divorce-Dbanj has repeatedly referred to their union as a marriage-most people put it down to the usual social media gossip,like the immensely popular one about Tu-face's periodic death(You guys really need to drop that one.A brother can only die so many times.Move on!)
But as one increasingly vulgar and classless e-mail after another started appearing and getting 'leaked',it was obvious that these previous love birds were about to wash their proverbial undies in public!
One party obviously feels he has the talent to break into the international market and the other party is being a bit more more cautious and ultimately,more realistic.
 You can only repeat ten words in a whole song for so long Mr D'banj!
Personally,losing sleep over the break up of two young men who have made billions of Naira over the last seven odd years at my expense is not an option.
This has been the union of a blind man and a deaf man.
The combination of the energy- lacking Don Jazzy plus the talent-lacking D'banj was indeed a winning ticket.
Only time will tell who gets knocked down by a moving vehicle first!

Friday, May 11, 2012

But really,Fashola!(BRF)

'These doctors are greedy'.'These doctors are wicked and callous'.'Did they beg them to study medicine?'
That was the general tone of the conversation of three pot-bellied,bald headed,middle aged men on the table adjacent mine at the neighbourhood watering hole a.k.a beer parlour on a lovely evening some days back.
Apart from the obvious fact that these men ought to be in their homes attending to their wives and children,they also seemed to have an obvious disregard for the fact that their youth had passed them by a long time ago as they struggled ceaselessly to breath in their body hugging T-shirts.
The more painful fact was the sentiment being expressed against Lagos doctors by the enthralled spectating public.
Strike actions should indeed not be an option in negotiating disputes in the health sector of civilised environments.
Lives are lost,families destroyed and destinies altered.
But then,neither does this happen there!
It is indeed a case of 'When in Rome'.
I doubt if any doctor would sit in his home with legs crossed on his coffee table and say 'Thank God,we are on strike.That man on bed 208 with the bad breath must have died by now!'.
These people devote their entire lives,endanger their health and well being to bring health,succour and joy to the lives of millions.And they do it with a willing heart.
A strike action must have indeed been a weighty stone on the heart.
In deciding to sack the striking Lagos doctors,the Governor has shown an acute disregard for a noble breed.
An acute disregard for agreements signed.
And an acute disregard for democracy!
The issues at hand are plainly on the table for all those who choose to see without sentiment tinted spectacles.
Now that we've spent billions on that birthday,can we now please sack the doctors!

As I continued caressing my bottle of Malta Guinness while enjoying the increasingly animated conversation beside me,I noticed the shortest of the men starting to breath heavily and cough.It was obvious a piece of Nkwobi had lodged in his abnormally large throat.
I could only mutter to myself as I watched him gasp for breath,'This strike no go kill person oh!'

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wise men from the east!

In Matthew2:1-12,we were told an astonishing story of men from the east who brought gifts for the birth of the baby Jesus.
Those,ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls,criminals and politicians,were the good old days.
Or are they?The gifts seem to keep coming in amazing and comical fashion from the east,especially from Nollywood!
I have the absolute honor and pride of having been an avid follower of Nollywood in the good old days of Liz Benson,RMD,the old Olu Jacobs(not the one acting now and making a mockery of everything good and holy on God's green earth).When films like Violated and Taboo stood out and still stand out as classics.When what you needed to be on the small screen was massive talent and good looks and not massive breasts, a damn near disgusting accent(see Tontoh) and an eastern name!
We'd be better off if she just kept kept quiet in movies and let her breasts do the acting.
I have over the years tactfully avoided all things Nollywood in other to save the rest of my I.Q not yet eroded away by Nigerian politicians and the Lagos sun.
I have painfully kept quiet while seeing posters of films like 'Beyonce and Rihanna' 'Tear my Bra' 'Who park that yansh'.
I'm guessing there's a part in the movie when the heroine begs the hero to tear her bra?
When monetary considerations overtake artistic intent,you will always end up with such rubbish.
Our brothers from Iweka Road have not only demeaned the movie industry but they've spat on it.
There's a talent pool beyond your brother,cousin,nephew and their friends.
Anyways,I had since accepted that the standards in Nollywood could not possibly fall any lower until I came across the poster of 'Avatar and Ben 10'.
Right there on the steering wheel,I had a strong urge to weep.Not a gentle leaking of tears but a strong manly wail.The type not seen since Taribo West cried at the World Cup;that,ladies and gentlemen,was an ugly man!
An urgent realisation must be made that film-making is an art and not just a means to an end.
Its not like importing fake drugs or electronics.
It's not clearing and forwarding.
It's not a joke.
Okafor!This one odikwa somehow oh!