During the week,I had the privilege of travelling alongside Umaru Musa Ya'radua's personal physician,or so i thought.The man confidently told me and all those who cared to listen,that our president was suffering from a rare heart condition,when I and 139,999,998 other uninformed Nigerians were busy coming up with various illnesses like kidney failure,liver failure,spleen failure,infact,all sort of failures.So,you can imagine my shock and bewilderment when the man later told me he was an estate agent based in Akwa Ibom.How Mr estate agent got to know Oga Ya'radua's private medical history remains a mystery to me.It's always a joy to witness we ''common'' Nigerians discuss the happenings on the corridors of power,''Ya'radua then phoned Goodluck to tell him not to award the contract.Ahn Ahn!You mean you did not know!''.The intellectual part of me wants to ask how he was priviledged to listen-in to the president's phone call but the true naija part of me,that part that loves a good story whether it's true or not,urges him on.And mind you,it is that naija part of me that has served me best over the years!P.S:the last population census conducted in Nigeria reports a rise to 170million;140million people and 30million power generating sets!
Nothing jumps my goat more than when someone threatens me over something completely inconsequential.So,you can imagine my complete disgust and disinterest when i read in the papers that NEPA or is it NEP Plc or is it PHCN was going on strike.It was like POLO(the luxury goods store on the Island)sending me a text message about them folding up.How e take concern me?i dey come ya shop before?Of course PHCN did not go on strike,so,thankfully the electricity situation did not get worse.I mean,I've not had light for 6 days and that was before the strike threat.I guess the only way a strike can truly make the situation worse would be if they still dont give us light and they also set our houses on fire and shoot us all dead as we run out!But its not all bad in Nigeria,there's a particular govenor in a particular state.Okay,okay,there's no need to be coy about it,I'm talking bout Lagos.The poor guy has probably performed more miracles in the state than T.B Joshua.What really pumps my tyre about this guy is his all action attitude.No time wasting,no comittees,no long winded speeches,just plain action.Like I always say,if a parent wants to spank a child,there's really no need for explanations and teling him what he has done wrong,JUST WACK THE POOR SOD ON THE HEAD AND LET HIM KNOW WHO'S BOSS!