Friday, December 30, 2011

I voted for Jonathan!

Yep!I did!And I'm sure that most of you reading this right now and acting all "What a dumb President" 'What an ineffective leader" 'What a this" 'What a that",did too.So,you can all rent a ladder and get off your high horses right now!
The difference between us,apart from the fact that I'm like a million times better looking than you are,is the fact that I knew what I was getting myself into.Did I vote Brother Jo because I wanted to experience uninterrupted power supply in my life time?No!Did I vote him because I thought he could  revive the economy?Lwkmd!So why did I vote for GoodLuck?I guess I just did not like Buhari's religious posturing much!
Going into the April elections,it was obvious our president lacked ideas,vigour,profound intellect and he had the charisma of a table lamp.
I bet you're shaking your heads and wondering what a leader needs charisma for?Well,I'll tell you!Charisma is what diverts attention from an incompetent president.Barrack Obama ain't doing shit,but he has a smile as bright as the explosion from the United Nations building in Abuja.
It's truly difficult to criticize anyone put in charge of presiding over a country as big,corrupt and full of aggressive people as Nigerians.Yep,I'm talking to you.Everything has to be a fight;from buying fuel to taking a bus to using the ATM;everything has to be a damn fight!But a little initiative and show of strength wont hurt nobody Mr Jonathan.
So the year ends as it started,with my generator running full throttle.Poverty,hunger and disease swagger round the country like Terry G on steroids and bombs explode round the north as frequently as PHCN cuts power.
Did we know GEJ was going to be this bad?Maybe not.Did we suspect that his wife's English was?Hell yeah!
P.S:Enjoy whats left of the year and hope for the best in the new year.

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