That uber-weird family that lived in the age of space technology with everyone zipping through the skies in their own space shuttles.
I vividly remember mumbling the scientific and logistical impracticability of that ever happening at any time in our existence to my host and then best friend.
I can also remember with disgust when my friend muttered something stupid in reply about how his dad was gonna buy him his own Jetsons space shuttle.
Yeah we were 5 but I still found him pretty dumb even for his age.
Fast forward many years and happenings in modern day Nigeria could darn well prove my childhood buddy right.
The allure of acquiring private jets seems to be the in-thing. It has slowly crept from being the exclusive preserve of the rich and powerful and has slowly but surely found its way into our churches,like everything from miniskirts,braids for men and the I-pad Bible app!(Dont you just hate when people keep tappng on those things during service)
There's absolutely nothing wrong with a successful man or woman acquiring an aeroplane to ease movement in a country like Nigeria where commercial air travel can become a nightmare.
Where airlines like Aero can turn a 10a.m flight to an 11.45p.m slug fest,with people practically throwing punches to access overbooked seats.
Rumour has it that people once stood on a Lagos-Abuja flight;God forbid that one of the Pastor Krises be caught dead doing 'attachment' on a flight.
As I said there's nothing wrong in theory with Men of God getting the very best out of life. Nothing at all.
But that,my friends,fans,lover's and well-wishers,is theory! And as we all know,not every theory is founded on logic.
Just ask Hon. Patrick Obahiagbon and his theory of economic Wagba-joism.
In principle,it just does not sit well with me. The reported flying machine is said to worth in the region of 5 million US dollars.
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Or did they win it here!!!!!!!! |
A tidy sum in a poverty ravaged country like ours.
Less than half of that sum would conveniently take care of the basic educational needs of every single child in these churches.
It would set up widows in small businesses.
It would change thousands of the brethren lives.
Is that not what Jesus would really want?
But then what do I know!
It's not like I'll recognise a Bombardier jet if one crawled down to my height and spat aviation fuel in my face!
P.S:Any news on the Taraba State Governor who crashed the State's *wink wink* private jet while allegedly flying it himself.
Hope the plane feels much better?
Misplaced priority is one of the major problems in this our 'obodonija'.....
True talk Mr Onos Oyibo,true talk!
Why have you tactically avoided mentioning names.
My worry is not the Pastors crowding the airspace with private jets like it's some sort of competition,it's the members shouting "judge not" and "touch not"!!!What the hell is your shepherd doing up in the skies while the sheep trek endlessly down here????How can Pastor Ayo confidently tell us his members gave him a jet as a gift???A single branch church in warri???Can they show me 5 billionaires in that church!!!What's with the Hummers and Limos????These pastors shut down airports when they fly locally!What's a pastor doing with over 30 armed guards everyday???Are we in Iraq?or Afghanistan??I'm challenging them with the lives of Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King Jnr!!!We should be ashamed as Christians!!!!
How can a pastor have 4 jets in Nigeria????The bible says "God has not given us the Spirit of fear;but of a SOUND mind"......we need to be sound.........Nneka
That's my worry too Mr anonymous,the 'judge nots' and 'touch nots'.Until people stop being biased and face the truth squarely,we'll move no where as a people.
@Nneka,that man for Warri no be ur pastor so?Make ya church people nor catch u oh!Lol
I no fit go that kind conscience no go gree me...especially when I have questions and am hushed because of the "judge not" Ish........I posted the anonymous comment.....Nneka.
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